HODIC Membership Guide


What is HODIC?
An Outline of HODIC Activities
Applying for HODIC Membership
The Bylaws of HODIC
Suzuki-Okada Memorial Prize 2012

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What is HODIC?

The principle of holography, discovered by Gabor in 1948 remains the single technique for exact three-dimensional image display. Within the current widespread development of optical techniques, holography has found significant applications, beyond three dimensional imaging, in non-destructive testing, measuring, and diffractive optical elements, amongst others.

HODIC was established to provide a forum for the exchange of information on holographic techniques and applications, especially those relating to full dimensional imaging. To adequately cover both the broad extent of this field, as well as the full current of recent technical advances, HODIC operates as a constituent group of the Optical Society of Japan (Nihon Kou GakKai).

HODIC members are drawn from diverse backgrounds, including both national and international researchers, employees of corporate and private industries engaged in the business aspects of holography, holographic artists, and from private individuals with an interest in holography and related technologies.

An Outline of HODIC Activities

  1. Sponsorship of Technical Meetings
    ln accordance with the bylaws, meetings are held 4 times per year, and at each meeting approximately 3-5 papers will be presented. The themes of the papers will include recent technical developments in holographic and other three-dimensional displays, holographic art, the business of holography, and the like.

  2. Publication of the Joumal, "HODIC Circular"
    This magazine will be published 4 times annually, and will contain information of current interest to holographers. Summaries of the papers presented at the technical meetings will be included. The official language of the magazine is Japanese, although articles are published with an English language abstract, and English language articles are welcomed for inclusion.

  3. Sponsorship of Special Tours and Hologram Exhibits
    According to the interest of members, guided visits will be arranged to sites of special interest. Moreover, the society will sponsor an annual hologram exhibit for the display of the members' recent works.

  4. The society provides assistance at special events related to Holography.

  5. Finally, instructional activities are sponsored in the fields of Holography and other three-dimensional displays.

Notification of upcoming technical meetings is published in a variety of sources, these being the joumals, "HODIC Circular" and "KouGaku" of the Japan Optical Society, as well as the magazines, "O+E", "ShaShin KouGyou", and "Optronics". Moreover, information about upcoming meetings and events can be acquired from this WEB site.

Applying for HODIC Membership

The completed HODIC application can be either e-mailed, postal mailed or faxed to the HODIC business office at the address listed below. The annual dues for membership are:

General Members in Japan 6,000 Yen
Student Members in Japan 3,000 Yen
General Members Overseas $70 (U.S. Dollars)

Dues can be paid at the door of any technical meeting, or members in Japan can remit directly into one of HODIC's bank accounts (For more specific information please contact the business office). Overseas members are requested to remit by International Postal Money Order.

The HODIC business office can be reached as follows:

Hodic business office
c/o Yoshikawa-Yamaguchi Lab.,
Dept. Computer Engineering, Nihon University
7-24-1 Narashinodai, Funabashi,
Chiba, 274-8501, JAPAN
FAX: +81-47-469-5391
e-mail: office@hodic.org

The Bylaws of HODIC

  1. This society will be called The Research Society of Holographic Display (Horogurafikku Disupurei KenKyuuKai). Its official English language name will be Holographic Display Artists and Engineers Club, abbreviated HODIC.

  2. This society will operate for the development and diffusion of holography and related technologies, through the cooperation of its members, based on a mutual interest in holography.

  3. Society activities are as follows:
    • Regular technical meetings (4 times per year)
    • Publication of the society journal, "HODIC Circular"
    • Instructional and educational activities
    • Collaborations with other societies/groups

  4. This society is composed of members who have agreed to the letter and the spirit of these bylaws.

  5. The society's fiscal year will run from April through March of each year.

  6. Members of the society are required to pay annual dues, in the amount of
    • General members in Japan 6,000Yen
    • Student members in Japan 3,000 Yen
    • General members overseas $70 (U.S. Dollars)
    When a member falls 3 months in arrears in paylnent of the annual dues, mailing of the "HODIC Circular" and other information from HODIC will be suspended.

  7. Society representatives and new members of the Board of Directors will be chosen at the recommendations of the sitting Board at a regular meeting.

  8. These bylaws can be revised when deamed necessary by the Board of Directors.

(Revised: April 1, 1997)
Any questions and comments, please write to: w3[at]hodic.org

Updated March 1, 2016